Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So, not everyone is trying to kill everyone. What the hell are you doing? Waiting? I've got some news for you. If you want to find an answer, you had better make it yourself AND tell your friends. Because what is waiting for ya'll in the distance is not a mystery, it's only a delay. Why wait? 'Start' is the way of everything and 'think' is later. 'Ponder' is the way of thinking but only after starting NOT waiting. If wait, then nothing new to ponder except rumor. Rumor is not thinking and NEVER starting, beeotch. Accept rumor once - and as Hesiod said, "you should not stay long in the marketplace" - you will continue to wait; unless you don't have "friends." Quit shopping. It's not worth it when you get home. So, something else started for you. Get over it. Since you've had more than enough time to 'think' for yourselves, it's time for you to START, yourselves, and not let someone else make you ponder some more. Grow up. You HAVE to live here, because the Gadfly says so!

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